Category Archives: Science

My Origin adaptation makes a “best of” list

I’m very proud to say that the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has included Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species: Young Readers Edition on its list of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 for 2019. Science teachers are heroes, and it is an honor to have them recognize by my adaptation of this world-changing book.

Their summary:

“The topics of genus and species,
instinct and inheritance, and
biodiversity and mutations
come to life in this young readers’
edition of The Origin of Species.”

My book is out of date. Yay!

Back in 2003 I wrote this book about Pluto as part of a series for kids.  In the last chapter I wrote that the Bush administration had cancelled a planned Pluto mission, but that “space scientists and supporters of exploration in the outer Solar System” intended to keep trying. Today I am beyond happy that they succeeded so beautifully. Bravo, New Horizons and all who helped!
